The Modern Stress-Free App To


  less time planning. More time together.

less time planning. More time together.

Does making plans make you want to stay in? Want to vibe at a concert, cheer on your fave sports team, or check out the newest restaurant BUTTTTT don’t feel like dealing with the headache of reaching out to a bunch of people,  the overwhelming group texts, or maybe just can’t find the right words to easily make it happen? Don’t miss out because you don’t feel like planning.
Introducing CINCO:
the modern way to make plans with your friends. Just share an event or experience, swipe to accept, and enjoy.

Download the app today!

Scratch the hassle

We’ve all been there before, trying to plan an activity or something fun to do with friends and then it happens…

  • That dreaded endless group text.

  • The indecisiveness.

  • The back and forth. 

  • The endless days of planning.

  • The last minute cancellation.

  • The rescheduling.

And after all that, someone will inevitably forget the details. With CINCO, gone are the days of wordy explanations or elaborate invitations. In turn, this will encourage you to take that next step into kicking off on your terms… doing something you want to do, when you want, together with who you want to do it.

Group of people 1

how it works

Meet your people, do cool things. With CINCO, it’s easy to connect, plan big events or little get-togethers. Just create an event, share it with your friend or bubble, and go. No more awkward group texts, no more missing out. Cut the angst. Cue the fun.



  • Choose the activity
  • Select the details (place, date, time)
  • Invite a friend or pop a bubble


  • Guests swipe left or right to accept before expiration time
  • See who’s going
  • Automated Calendar syncing, directions, and optional GPS tracking


  • Easily share pics and videos directly via the app
  • Divvy up the costs–rideshares, dinners, concert tickets, you name it–don’t ever get stuck with the tab again!

, the simple way to socialize IRL


the simple way to socialize IRL

Our mission is to facilitate and inspire the human connection without the pressure of expectations or tedious coordinating. We want it to be effortless and seamless. We want it to feel authentic and comfortable. We want to eliminate the excuses and shred the guilt. Your time is precious. Don’t waste it on the minutiae. Be inspired to take the initiative. All in all, we want to energize the doing, not the planning. Being real. Being inclusive. Being connected, with real friends, in real life. Because the most meaningful thing you can give is time.


Why do we CINCO


Release your inhibitions to initiate

Step into your comfort zone. For the introvert, it can be intimidating to reach out and coordinate a get-together, no matter how big or small. And for most everyone, there’s the fear of rejection. It can be challenging to put yourself out there, especially when a lot of thought and planning has gone into organizing. So it can leave you feeling completely dejected when it doesn’t pan out for whatever reason. Our goal is to make the process so stress-free, that your anxiety will be kept in check. Connect with purpose without the pressure.


Eliminate the excuses

On the flip side, give yourself permission to pour into what fills your soul on your terms, without the guilt. As the invitee, there is often the pressure of explaining why you can or cannot do something. Or, perhaps, you find yourself afraid to commit and end up not replying at all. We’ve all been there before.  With CINCO, the pressure is totally off. No need to justify anything or attempt to reschedule or overcommit yourself. You simply swipe left or swipe right to decline or accept the invitation. The organizer inherently understands that it’s nothing personal, it simply does not work for you, regardless of the reason. So no hard feelings on either end.


Knockout the awkwardness

Let’s face it, we all hate asking for money from our friends. Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to? Situation averted! With CINCO, you can set up split payments or receive money for that extra concert ticket ahead of time. It’s all handled seamlessly within the app, so you never end up stuck with the bill.


Keep the memories alive

With CINCO, you can easily share your photos and videos by uploading it directly to the app. From there, all of the participants can choose which photos to save and keep. No need to worry about begging for those photos to be shared! And if you’re ever in the mood for looking back, you’ll find your memories safely stored away and organized by each of your events.


Get invited more

By eliminating all of these obstacles in planning, organizing, initiating, coordinating, communicating, etc etc, CINCO will put you at the forefront of your social hustle. Also, by easily allowing you to create friend bubbles (seeing as we often have different cohorts of friends, such as: coworkers, workout buddies, adventure seekers, fellow mamas, study mates, golfers, etc.) we make sure no one gets left behind. There is no adequate substitute for time together F2F, IRL. It is a genuine form of self-love. Our goal is to facilitate the path to that real human connection that we all desire and need. No mo’ FOMO.


Safety First

Your safety is our first priority. CINCO is not a dating app or friend-finder. The app is designed to strictly limit your connections to your known friends and contacts. It’s the secure solution to in-person rendezvous with people you know and trust. Your location is shared at your own discretion. You will always know where you’re going and whoever else has been invited to be there. All of your personal information will remain private and secure.

Let’s collaborate!

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CINCO was born in San Diego out of my frustration for planning, my real life FOMO, and my thirst for human connection. I am warm and passionate and love to share this energy with others around me—maybe because I’m a Leo or maybe because I’m Mexican. Either way, it’s in my blood. I’m a busy mama to four boys (aka 4Bros), proud wife to a US Marine Corps Disabled Veteran, a physician, a native SoCal beach girl who loves to boogie board and hit the volleyball, an avid cyclist, and equally passionate to head over to the slopes for some skiing with my bros. Clearly I love to be active. I crave trying new experiences and seeking adventure. I simply don’t have the time or energy to make elaborate plans or respond to lengthy texting. I was fed up with the endless back and forth group messages, last minute cancellations, and random excuses. There wasn’t an effortless, chill way for me to quickly Cinc-up with people as part of my everyday life…
So, I created it.